Just before I left work I noticed if I moved the reflection probe, the blown out area moved along with it. As well as turning off when I turned the reflection probe off. I’ll try to recreate the problem in a separate scene
I ended up figuring it out the day before, but thanks for the input!
it was coming from fog for some reason
exponential height fog
if I baked with it on (in the blueprint or outside the blueprint UE4 4.20.3), then turned it off then baked again
all the reflection probes would just be blown out white as seen above
if i turned the fog back on again and rebaked, everything would be fine
it’s a weird issue but at least I can consistently fix it now, I ended up just doing the stuff inside the studio light blueprint manually in the level to figure it out
hopefully this post is searchable enough for someone else to make use of it if they come across the same issue