Skylight and Spotlight visibility issues with Pathtracing in UE 5.1

I’m experimenting with Pathtracing in UE5.1. One of my initial issues was that SkyLights did not show up but learned in a thread that by using ‘r.PathTracing.VisibleLights 1’ it would be visible. That was good to learn.

Now I’ve imported a free model this month called “Bank Building / Interior [Modular] into another sample model “City Park Environment Collection.” I don’t think the model names matter so much but I’m just providing details.

All is working well except the lights in the Bank model are Spotlight BPs that use a large physical source size to cast light into the room to simulate a chandelier. The problem is that the source envelope is visible when I invoke ‘r.PathTracing.VisibleLights 1’.

I thought that a good workaround would be to eliminate the outside overall Skylight and use a different sky and clouds. Then I could use ‘‘r.PathTracing.VisibleLights 0’ and wouldn’t see the envelopes of the Spotlight source. But, the reflection of the Spotlights still show in the glass.

Question: How can I overcome this? I reduced the source sizes to something small like 0.1 but then 100s of small and sharp shadows are cast all over the room from the chandelier mesh. It’s the large physical size of the source that blurs out the sharp shadows so I need to leave those source scales large.

I’ve attached a few screenshots.