Skydomes not working since new update V31.00

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Island Settings


Skydome Devices seem to be bugged, nothing happens when enabling/disabling
And also Time of Day is getting ignored in island settings, atleast when using legacy Day Night Cycle

Steps to Reproduce

Skydome Device with settings you want, enable it
Time of day under ambiance in island settings set to a time of choice

Expected Result

Skydome should enable and change the sky
Time of day setting should be fixed at the time you set

Observed Result

Skydome does not change the sky (nothing happens)
Time of Day setting is ignored and just uses Default



FORT-779672 incident has been created. Status is ā€˜Unconfirmedā€™.

also having issues with the day sequence device and skydome. the sunlight doesnt work. for me, in editor if i disable/enable the sunlight component it makes it look like it shouldā€¦but only in editor. when i launch it looks like the sun is disabled which in turn makes the sky dark

strange, day seq devices seem to work fine for me, as well as the sunlight options, atleast with Chapter 5 day night cycle

but skydomes which you use with legacy day night cycle arent working

Which TODM are you using? The setting would be World Settings ā†’ World Time of Day Manager

We are aware of some issues using the Legacy TODM with the latest release, no ETA on a fix yet but we are actively working on it. If anybody has any problems with the Day Sequence Device or Island Settings ā†’ Ambiance ā†’ Time of Day while NOT using the Legacy TODM please create a new bug report and feel free to tag me.


I have the same problem with my map: 6878-5050-3911 @nickolas.drake

Are you using a Legacy TODM?

what is todm? I didnt quite understand. @nickolas.drake

Look in World Settings and then look for World Time of Day Manager. Legacy TODMs are the time of day manager you default to using for converted islands.

there it is, do i need to change something?

Are you just using Creative or is this a UEFN island?

@nickolas.drake uefn

Can you tell me what the World Time of Day Manager is?


Gotcha, thanks. You have the same issue as everyone else in this thread, we are working on a fix. Islands that are not using the Legacy TODM are unaffected, but they also do not support Skydome Device.

ok, thank you very much for the helpšŸ™ @nickolas.drake

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Hi @nickolas.drake Is there anything new on the subject? It really slowed down the activity on my mapā€¦

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