Hello! I have a Level with Ultradynamic Sky plugin purchased. It uses Directional Light as the Sun and a Sky light. There is a building without roof and a basement that you enter by a narrow door, lit with spotlights. The Directional light and the Sky light lit the basement with some fill light. Can’t be dark at all. How can I have the basement only lit by the spotlights (or the lights I place underground) ?
You have 3 options:
- Use Lumen
- Use a baked skylight
- Turn the skylight off when you’re inside an interior
Hi! Lumen doesn’t change a thing. I’m trying to find out where to turn off the light intensity of the whole UltraDynamic Sky…Thanks!
Means Lumen is not working then. Check the debug views:
It will have a skylight component, set “affects world” to false on the skylight component and it will disable the skylight. Of course… UDS is a complicated system, trying to set it yourself may create conflicts. If so, you’ll have to get support from the author.
I found turning Sun and Sky Light intensity to 0 in UDS works! Both lights are the ones spelling light into the basement. So I guess I can keyframe that or change via blueprint, c++ once the First person character enters the basement.
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