"Skipping dirty area creation because of empty bounds" Warning

I am having the same problems.

Using Hierarchical Mesh and not using any nav mesh and still I get:

LogNavigationDirtyArea: Warning: Skipping dirty area creation because of empty bounds (object: HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent /Game/MyMap/EntryMap.EntryMap:PersistentLevel.Bp_MatrixCity_2.NODE_AddHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent-4_0)

Honestly I haven’t found any solution neither the one posted here helped me…

Anyone coming here in the future. My issue had to do with and array of instanced static mesh components. I selected each array element and Unchecked “Can ever affect navigation”
It fixed the warning messages.


After generating random geometry in the Streaming level, I just updated the Navigation and the warnings stopped appearing.

I set my instancedstaticmesh No Collision,and it is OK