sketchup to UE4.8


I have a very great D model on sketchup (DAE format) and I want to export to UE4.8.
sketchup have a FBX, OBJ DAE export format.
BUT, when I import FBX (or OBJ) in UE4.8 from sketchup. UV lightmap error
Error : Object has wrapping UVs

Can I have a tuto / help ?? Please

Hi Dan,

Sketchup doesn’t provide support, that I’m aware of, for setting up any custom UVs for your mesh. This can play havoc with building static lighting in Unreal Engine 4. With that in mind you have a couple of alternatives.

  • You can use a standalone application for setting up UVs like Headus UV or RoadKill UV.
  • You can generate your UVs in UE4 inside the Static Mesh Editor. Try following this section of our Wiki Lighting Troubleshooting Guide

Using the generated lightmaps option may not work in all cases depending on the mesh, but it’s worth a shot.

I hope this helps.


Thank you ! :slight_smile:

Now I can make 3d model on sketchup, export to 3ds max and import in UE4.8 .

Thank you very much !