This is a recent issue. Projects are randomly missing certain materials. I have to exploded and recolor them to get them back. I have a huge project and it's very frustrating to see this missing. Is there a fix? I am not using any of the preview versions and I have a Mac
Same here.
I use a PC latest Windows 11. Still have the problem as you on the Mac. Using Sketchup Pro 2021. While there seems to always have been material issues before regarding UV placement and scaling of Sketchup models, I have never had as many issues at once as are happening now.
Hopefully another update fix from TM soon.
I have never had geometry totally disappear or appear in a location totally different. Even after exploding , regrouping, and retexturing , the problem geometry in Sketchup.
It seemed that Texturing and Material issues had improved over the past couple of releases. The recently added “Apply to Selection” feature helps to resolve some of the material problems but not all.
What is unusual is that the issue is inconsistent as far as I can tell. One time I open the TM Scene and has several geometry and material issues. Then I can do nothing but close and reopen and a whole different set of issues shows up along with some of the previous ones resolved.
Impossible to make much progress. I guess that’s why it’s called “Preview” version. Maybe “Beta” would be a better term similar terminology to UE.
oh yea thats interesting. I'm using sketchup 2023 which I just got so maybe that has something to do with it.... I didn't think about that. and for twinmotion I'm not even using preview! I'm using the 2022. Someone from TM responded to me personally so I sent him my files and logs. I'll update you here if he find anything.
I did just find out about the resource collector which seems to alleviate the issue. I wasn't using it before and never had any problems. But once I get things right. I resource collect and materials don't go away.
I usually have to change the texture to a color. then re import it. but with large projects it totally screws me up. it's very annoying. if you hear of anything let me know
this happens to me ALL THE TIME. its very frustrating. Was there a solid answer here? I use Mac and it has happened in every version. Why is the dev team not addressing this???