Hello. Just installed sketchup 2021, and I can’t install twinmotion direct link for it because you only have 2020 available. When will we have it?
Also cant import Sketchup 2021 models from within Twinmotion.
Hey all,
Twinmotion Community Manager here
Our team is working on a compatible plugin right now. We don’t have a release date for it but will make it available as soon as it’s ready.
In the meanwhile, you could save your model in a previous SketchUp version and import the .skp file directly in Twinmotion.
Feel free to contact us via the Twinmotion support center for further questions. Thanks!
How’s that Sketchup 2021 Twinmotion Direct Link Plugin coming along? Looking forward to it!
when is that dierct link update coming? I am unable to get sketchup to re authorize my 2020 version so i am stuck.
How do i get a work around? what is best format to save a skup file for importing to twin so EVERYTHING comes in etc?
Any help apreciated
8 February - Please can we have an idea of when SU2021 -> TM direct link will be released. I’m stopped dead in my tracks by this
Has there been no announcement of Datasmith working in Sketchup 2021? It has been out for a while now. How can we be expected to use this as a professional tool without basic support for upgrades?
Adding another request for the update to support Sketchup 2021. Thanks!
I cant believe they are ignoring this issue, most companies moved to Sketchup 2021 and still no plugin from Epic
Why doesn’t anybody at Epic Games respond to the numerous comments regarding no Datasmith for Sketchup 2021? 0 of 17 questions have been answered on the Datasmith download page. I have seen some response saying just save your files as sketchup 2020 but this is not available as files created with 2021 are not able to save in an older version of sketchup. So when will your sketchup users get an update of Datasmith? All other platforms have been updated to their 2021 versions so why not sketchup? even if you just tell us it is happening that would be good but no response at all isn’t great.
Waiting for either a twinmotion plugin update or a datasmith update to unreal. I don’t really care but either would be helpful. Come on Epic. Lets get this going!
Okay, Unreal, it’s been a like 4 months now, where’s the SketchUp 2021 directlink plugin? I understand there is a workaround, but it’s been long enough!
Hi folks,
SketchUp 2021 support is currently slated for the next minor engine release, expected mid-2021. The support was delayed due to the SketchUp exporter undergoing a complete rewrite.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, and we’ve passed your feedback along to our teams to explore the possibility of something sooner.
We wanted to provide a quick update- The team is working on a fix outside of our normal release schedule to ensure any work is unblocked ASAP. We will continue to update you all as we get more news on this! Again, we apologize for the inconvenience/work stoppage this has caused.
Hi -
I am getting the following error message when aiming to install the SKP for Mac 2021 Direct Link. Wondering if someone could help/shed light on a fix.
“2021_DirectLink-SketchUp_Twinmotion_SU17-21_2020.75.5530.51_setup.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
I am having a similar issue with the archicad plugin for 2021.1. I installed the plugin but it still opens twinmotion 2020.2 with the direct link. I then uninstalled twinmotion 2020.2 so only 2021.1 was installed and now the archicad plugin is telling me no compatible version detected.
Any thoughts?
May 2 – Very interested to know if there are updates for SU2021 compatibility.
Desperately need this as well. Can’t do anything without it!
Can’t move to SU2021 until this is updated.
Any idea of the deadline for the availability of DM for SketchUp 2021? Will it come out later this year?