SkeletalAnimationComponent Post Anim Evaluation Tick every frame

In a scene, I use skeletal animation for a door’s open\close. When using profiler, I see the door is update every frame (door is a skeletalmeshcomponent of an actor in the scene), though the cost isn’t that much (about 0.033ms), but I’d like to know if I can eliminate that update time since the door doesn’t need tick when it’s not on open/close status.

I’ve tried disable component tick, disable actor tick etc, none of them worked. The cpu cost for this are “Post Anim Evaluation” and “USkeletalMeshComponent_RefreshBoneTransforms_GamethreadEval”, like below:

USkeleltalMeshComponent::bSkipKinematicUpdateWhenInterpolating setting this flag seems to disable the post anim evaluation.


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