I’ve been looking into the VRGrab components provided by the engine to see if I can figure out why my skeletal meshes can’t be picked up and found this
So, when I move my hand near a static object, my static object will appear in this array. However, notice how the Get overlapping actors has a bubble that says “Filters to staticmeshes found in the level.” So, I thought, “Huh, well then maybe this is the reason why my skeletal meshes are not showing.” So I changed the class to “SkeletalMeshActor” and then tried hovering over my skeletal mesh again and STILL the Skeletal mesh did not appear in this overlapping array.
So basically I have this skeletal mesh blueprint in my gameworld with the VR grab interface implemented. This skeletal mesh has its collision set to BlockAll and is simulating physics with 1 bone set to kinetic (as to prevent it falling to the ground). Unlike with static meshes, when I collide with the skeletal mesh, it does not vibrate. It’s as if the object is not actually there, it just looks like it’s there. It seems to all relate to the same thing, that I can’t seem to “see” the skeletal mesh actor in the array. What is the reason for this? Why can’t I pick up skeletal meshes with VR?