Skeletal Mesh partially culled in front of the camera

Hello, I believe this questions fits in the Rendering forum.

After importing some Skeletal Meshes and animations to my project, I had these Skeletal Meshes partially culled in front of my camera at some point of the animation.




I believe this has to do with the camera minimum rendering distance or the camera itself is colliding with the mesh.

There might be a way to avoid this partial culling, but I’ve been searching through the forums and answerhub without any success, which led me to request some help over here.

Any ideas?

I’ll keep searching, so if I find out how to solve this I’ll update the thread.

Try changing the camera’s near clip plane. I believe that setting is under Project Settings -> Engine -> General. See if that does the trick for you.

The problem is that this config will only affect the Editor’s cam.

But, thanks for the tip! I’ll search inside the camera manager class if there’s a similar variable.

This is a bit old, I know, but as a general rule you want your FP arms to actually be a lot bigger - not microscopic compared to the scene - then you won’t run into this (and other) issues at all.