In the project there are grenade actors which are created when you equip which consist of a skeletal mesh of the grenade viewmodel and some variables like some montages specific to that grenade. These all inherit from the grenade class. When in the editor everything works as intended, upon equipping the grenade it is created and attached to the player correctly, when they click it is thrown etc. However when playing a packaged build, when the grenade is equipped nothing shows on the screen, although the currently equipped weapon is put away and a print node attached to the begin play of the grenade actor does print. The throw montage for the player’s arms are also not playing only in the packaged version, despite the arm skeletal mesh being part of the character blueprint. I’ve tried re-making the grenade blueprints, the skeletal meshes and their anim blueprints and doing a full rebuild when packaging.
Below is a gif of taking out a flashbang and throw it in the editor, and below that a gif of doing exactly the same action in a packaged build.