Skeletal Mesh Mannequin Not Animating in UE5 Sequencer?

Hi there,

I’m just trying to animate the standard SKM_Manny mannequin in sequencer to walk forward (in third person level), but after I drag in the skeletal mesh (Content Browser>All>Content>Characters>Mannequins>Meshes) into the level then add to sequencer and choose the + animation underneath, they just stay in the t-pose and don’t actually animate. The animation bar shows up on the right timeline (but it has tiny diagonal lines through it?) but nothing else.

I’ve tried finding answers but I don’t know what I’m doing wrong so any advice would be helpful thank you.


Hey @JPKeenan24! Welcome to the Forums!

If you want to animate using your premade animations, the easiest way to do so is to delete your control rig that is autogenerated when you add Manny to the sequencer.


I hope the above solution works for you!


THANK YOU! I’m brand new to UE, just teaching myself, so I didn’t know to toggle off the CR, but that did it!


thank you, this was doing my head in.

Hi there, when you delete the control rig the metahumans shoulders go all wonky, is there a way to use the control rig aswell as using my own pre-made animations?