Hello Everyone!
After carefully browsing forums, doing google search and trying to troubleshoot basic\obvious issues I am still not able to find the answer. To be hones I am pretty surprised nobody had same issue and I am looking for help, as I am desperate.
My problem is following: Path Tracer will not render skeletal mesh whatever the effort I put into it. BUT Mesh IS visible in Viewport in Path Tracing!
My mesh is very high poly car and I am supposed to use it for automotive render. It consists out of 9.5m triangles.
It is FBX file exported from Maya from the client (car manufacturer company). Than rigged in Blender.
Exported as FBX from Blender with following settings:
- Mesh
- Armature
- Smoothing: Face (Apply Modifiers disabled)
- Add Leaf Bones: Disabled
- Bake Animation: Disabled
Imported in Unreal Engine 5.0.2 with no issues.
I have created simple scene, which doesn’t have anything in it except car and basic light setup (Sun, Skylight).
In MRQ I use default settings for Path Tracing (checked video of William Faucher on YT).
And everything is rendered except Car Mesh, no matter how hard I try and what settings I use.
What I have found out so far:
- Mesh appears in render with Lumen Global Illumination.
- If Ray Tracing is enabled for translucency - any part of mesh with translucent material on it is not rendered. (windows, headlights cover)
- If I split the mesh (export glass seprately for example) - glass part is rendered. But I can not split the mesh as I am using it for control rig and animations.
What I have already tried:
- Settings in Post Process Volume
- Mesh LOD Screen Size is set to 1
- Disabled Streaming of the world
- Actor is always loaded
- All project settings are set as needed
- Face orientation is CORRECT
- Normal are CORRECT
What could cause the issue?
- Is there poly count limit on rendering in Path Tracer? I haven’t found anything like that in UE documentation.
- Is there problem with Maya Export? Or specific setting?
- UV map issue?
If anybody had the same problem please help!
I am running Windows 11, UE 5.0.2/UE 5.0.3, RTX2070Super and other PC with RTX3090.
Here are examples. You can even see the siluette of the car not rendered in Path Tracing.
(sorry, I am not allowed to show the car, so I blurred it)
Lumen GI render:
Path Tracing Render:
Hope someone already had this issue!
Wishing you all the best!