Hi, I would like my character to be blocked when approaching a wall (see picture). According to the docs this shoul be an easy fix but I can’t seem to find the solution they are alluding to.
I can see that you are not falling into the ground, so your collisions seems to be ok, the problem could be the wall static mesh collision, make sure that is is set to block all . If so, maybe the problem is the collision data itself. Go to that wall mesh editor and generate a new collision to it
I don’t think you quite understand the problem. The capsule collider works just fine but since you shouldn’t rotate it I need to size it down to a ball. However I want the mesh to not intersect with the walls. The docs says this is an easye fix but looking around in forum, that does not seem to be the case. Perhaps this image would clarify.
However, this could be easily managed by either working with collision volumes on either the wall or the character.
This means that you need to modify your capsule collider or the collider of your wall in order to prevent this to happens.
I’m not quite sure why you need your collider to be spherical for an humanoid-shaped character though? Your main collider should englobe most of your character mesh, exactly to avoid this kind of problem. As for the wall, you can make it a little bigger and it won’t look weird ;).