Skeletal Mesh Component Replication

I have a tank and i want to replicated it’s movement and my tank have several component and contain of skeletal mesh and static mesh but when i replicate it’s component the hull and other componet does not replicated for the other client but it replicated to server perfectly i don’t know what should i do !!!

Are you driving the bone transformations in your skeletal meshes with parameters? (rotators, floats etc). If so try replicating the input parameters instead of the components themselves.

i replicated it’s parameter and it’s worked perfectly but like i said hull not replicated

i didn’t transform the bones i’m transforming this body

Try setting “use Attach Parent Bound” for the child components then experimenting with the parent object bound (slightly expand it ro cover children).

This can fix some rendering errors.

it not rendering problem it show the hull in camera but accendently it not move and hull is fliping over and turrent starting to move but hull like i said it fliped over and dont move the hull with turret the both of them is skeletal mesh the turret is replicating but i donot know why hull is moving and flipover

Perhaps its the turret bone orientation. Your models axis on the turret bone could be reversed that is why it flips when you apply rotation.

Does this rotation error happen on server too? If so add in offset before you set the bone rotation in your animinstance.

And set the turret rotations as relative rotations.

it is nothing about bone im not working with bone im working working with transformation of the skeletal
no every thing worked peerfectly in server

and hull and turret is seprate skeletal mesh

and it is not animation it’s physics

a) do the parameters that set the turret have 2 white ball symbol in their corner? (visible replication)
b) is the main tank actor set to replicate?
c) where are you setting the calculated turret yaw & pitch parameters originally (tanks controller, the pawn itself or only animinstance)?

There needs to be a little more information to narrow down the problem points.
At least post some screenshots of your turret logic so I can see what I’m working with.

yes i did every thing the parameter of turret and hull has two ball and the main tank is replicated yes i calculated turret pitch and yaw and tank is pyshics not animation

If you say you are using physics then perhaps you need to change the turrets physics to kinematic.

this is image of my game like you see in picture the turret is work perfectly but hull is not moving (Hull) and every thing in server it replicated but not showing in clinet like you see and i replicated every thing i checked of checkbox that related of replication and i use multicast RPC and i does not change and the pawn contain of separate skeletal mesh and static mesh separatly i mean hull with turrent have no related with each other and it’s physics

That looks very strange.
How is your hierarchy setup?
Are you using the chaos vehicle platform for the base segment?

You should be setting parameters on the server only. Net multicast is for fx mostly and posting an event from server to all clients. It shouldn’t be used to sync up whole models. Do that through replication and RepNotify.