Skeletal mesh collisions not working correctly

I’m not sure what is happening here, the collisions are set and some parts are working correctly.
The weirdest part is that you can do the overlay outside of the mesh
Weird Collisions


That link is not working

thank you, i fix it

Nevermind working now haha

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How are you doing the line trace that checks for the collision? Not the one firing the one doing the overlay

its just a cursor over event

Ok cool, does the same happen with that character when it does not play an animation?

This situation is strange haha it looks like there is some kind of collision offset to the right

I remove the animation and nothing change, but it seems this is what’s causing the issue

mmh I have never used those nodes before but a quick google search suggests that they are bugged…

There is also mention that it causes line traces to be ignored on some parts.

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What a shame, thank you for your help! i think they found a workaround in there, ill check it out

Awesome, I hope it helps you out, Good luck!

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