Skeletal Mesh Collision Problem

I set my skeletal mesh to block all dynamics and gave it a capsule collision in form of a physical asset, but it still goes halfway through the platform. When I use differnet collision types for example box or complex collision most of the body still passes through the platform. How can I set up the collision so it stays with its feet on the platform without passing halfway through it ?


The physics asset is only used if you enable physics on (parts) of your mesh, for example if you are ragdolling. To me it seems your character is playing an animation, so the problem may be that the capsule collision of the character inside your class is not properly placed so it sinks into the floor. Make the collision visible in the game by making “Hidden in game” false, and make a similar screenshot.

The collision just passes through it but not completely, can I also attach a collison component instead of using the physical asset ?

Inspect your static meshes in the static mesh editor to see if they have a properly aligned collision primitive. If the character sinks into the platform from above, it could be that the platform does not have collision primitive set up.

how can I check if the collision primitves are aligned properly ?

Open it up by double clicking in the content browser. Look for the collision button on the toolbar. If there is no green collision geometry, you can add one using the menu.