Skeletal mesh bones are too big

Greetings! I’m working with a few student friends on a game and I am tasked on the rigging of the characters. I got the first enemy done and I want to test the rig in UE5 but whenever I import it the bones scale is very big. I read that making the scaling in Blender 0.01 fixes it when importing it and multiplying the scaling in the engine 100x but nothing seems to fix it. Anyone have an idea why this happen?


+1 this issue’s happening to me too after the 5.1.1 hotfix.
I tried importing it into 5.0 and migrating it into my current project, but that broke the bones again and made them huge. Clearly Epic broke something in this update. Probably best to downgrade until this is fixed.

Same here. Is there any fix other than downgrading?

Same here, I tried to import to 4.27 and migrate over to 5.1.1 project, but it is still broken. Anyone knows if there’s a bug filed already? We need to push it higher up for Epics to fix.


Not sure if it helps but if the problem is only with the preview then you can try scaling the draw size of bones in your skeleton.

Capture d’écran 2023-03-10 103925

Hope this helps


Here’s a link to my own question about this issue: Bone scale/ Issue with Skeletal Mesh in 5.1 vs 5.0 .

This video ([Blender to Unreal Engine 5] Correct FBX Export Settings for Characters - YouTube) showed me the work around that you mention in the question but with the steps of scaling the armature and mesh in blender too.

Something must be different between the engine versions as it was very hard to tell that anything was wrong in 5.0 as most stuff worked as expected. But in 5.1 it was obvious in the skeletal mesh asset window that the bones were 100x bigger but the mesh wasn’t.

Hope this helps you guys too.


Well I think I found a solution for this, with unreal 5.3 you can edit the bone scale without affect the children scale. Just enable the skeletal plugin editor and edit each bone scale. Hope it works for you.


very valuable video, thanks for highlighting it :pray:

That video solved it for me!

Yes, I did that. Though it didn’t persist it in my layout (which I changed a bit and specifically saved). I have to adjust these every time I open the project. Is there a way to persist that setting?

Thanks! This worked for me. Really easy to use too! Just select all the bones, change scale, done.

You root bone has a scale of 100. Downscaling only it won’t work as it would downscale the model as well, so you need to upscale the model afterwards. This video contains all the passes for that along some other information you might want to know when exporting Blender rig to UE.

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