Skein source control

Is it possible to collaborate with a team in UEFN editor?

Unreal Revision Control is enabled in the latest build. You are welcome to try it out to manage your own projects. There are issues that we are aware of and working out.

Part of collaborating with Unreal Revision Control is being able to set up Teams. This will be done via a web interface that is not released yet. More details to come.

Ok, thank you. We would love to test out collaboration in UEFN and I am curious to see how you handle clashing modification to a level without checking stuff out like in perforce. The team here is looking forward to having this feature since it is essential for any studio working on this platform.

With one file per actor, collaboration workflow will be that you only check in the file for each actor you modify. A level will be comprised of many actors so while working, you won’t be dirtying a common “umap” level file. You move 20 actors and add 20, then you check in 40 files and upon sync, those actors will update in the level for everyone else.

We are working the UX details but if you modify something, it acts as an exclusive check out. Other users will not be able to modify that actor while you work. This prevents file conflicts. This UX is still being worked on. We are scheduled to give a preview at the office hours on the 16th of November.


Intersting Idea. As long as the workflow is very intuitive, and seamless, and feels like a digital sandbox where collaborators can build together without any complications. Keep up the amazing work over there!