Since 4.24 restore open asset tabs on restart, doesn't work

Since 4.24 restore open asset tabs on restart, doesn’t work
Video reproducing the issue:

I enabled “Restore Open Asset Tabs on Restart” in editor preferences, but still, after editor reopen, my tabs are not opening.

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I’m having the same problem and it is IRRITATING

Im having this exact same issue. I pushed a bug report too. I noticed in Editor Preferences, the setting keeps uncheck itself on reboot. And it isn’t a file permissions thing either (like source control), its all writeable. Other settings stick but not this one. And it won’t ever keep my assets open.

So every time I reboot the editor, I have to manually search and find and reopen all my blueprints and such. Massive pain in the butt

I ended up writing a plugin for this issue: Asset Tab Manager - Manage asset tabs, save and load tab sessions, recover previously open tabs - even after a crash!

The plugin remembers your currently open tabs every time a new asset is opened so in the event you aren’t prompted to restore your session by the engine, you can restore what you want from the plugin’s automatic backup.

Furthermore, it remembers all previously opened assets and allows you to create ‘sessions’ made up of specific groups of tabs for your specific task or workflow.

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