Simulate physics on Actor, but Actor position doesnt update


i have a little issue with simulate physics.

I have a scene root and added a capsule component with physics simulation.

When i run the project, the capsule component falls down to the ground, but the position of the actor remains.

How can i simulate physics on the whole actor, so that the actor position has also the pos of the capsule component. Do not want to release the capsule from the actor.

Thanks in advance

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That is because the capsule component is a child of the DefaultSceneRoot. If you want the entire actor to have physics, the root should be something that is capable of having physics enabled. Drag the Capsule component onto the DefaultSceneRoot to make the Capsule the new Root of the actor.

Let me know if that works for you.




Hi, i forgot to tell you, that i need that capsule component rotated. Thats why i didnt use it as root

In that case, you could just use another physics capable object as the root (basically a dummy-object). Enable Physics on it > Set the CollisionPreset to Custom > IgnoreAll > then mark it HiddenInGame.

I used a CollisionSphere in my test and it worked quite well.


This really helped me to work through a similar problem attaching an object to a motion controller component.

I was parenting the static mesh object to a scene component so I could set a sort of “custom pickup offset”… but the object would just freeze in space when grabbed.

This thread helped me better understand the relationship between physics with meshes vs scene components. Things are working! Thank you all for asking the question and sharing your knowledge! I’m stoked!

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