Simulate low frame rate on specific Camera


This is a bit of a duplicate of these threads going back 8 years but neither has an answer:

I want to have certain cameras capture at a lower frame rate than the game is running at for a visual effect. Is there some way to achieve this?


”I want to have certain cameras capture at a lower frame rate than the game is running at for a visual effect. Is there some way to achieve this?“
try use scene capture component,disable capture every moment and capture on movement,than use components parent actor call scene capture component->Capture Scene manully whenever you want.

I think that would work, it seems a little long-winded, I assumed I’d be able to do this with a camera setting or a post-process material somehow.

Am I correct that I’d need a full screen widget to render the resulting scene capture into? Thanks for your suggestion.

I think there is not a native setting to do that,the camera bind with viewport will render every tick unless you change engine source code.If you want to use this like a normal rending result yes you need make a full screen widget and set ViewportClient->bDisableWorldRendering to true for performance.

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Great tips, thank you.

I might be wrong, but the project settings has a fixed frame rate option.

Thats is just regular frame rate limit like t.maxFPS

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