SimpleMoveToLocation can not move to target accuractly

Hi, I’ve got a problem with UNavigationSystem::SimpleMoveToLocation(GetController(), destination);
I have produced a target point FVector destination, and used SimpleMoveToLocation(GetController(), destination) to move my character to the target, then I found a problem that character moved but stopped at a point which is closed to target, I don’t know why, here is my codes:

bool AMyCharacter::RushTo(FVector destination)
	float x = GetActorLocation().X;
	float y = GetActorLocation().Y;
	if (x == destination.X && y == destination.Y) return true;
		UNavigationSystem::SimpleMoveToLocation(GetController(), destination);
		return false;
	return false;

I have printed one result out, coordinates of target point is x=1160 y=660 z=0, my character location is x=1131 y=657 z=0

Reduce character capsule radius……