I’m currently testing the UE4 with Android to build a SimpleHMD app. Everythings works perfectly accept one weird bug. The camera is rotating without any controller (sensor) input. I re-calibrated the smartphone’s sensors to no effect. 360 and other VR Apps are running fine so i guess this must be a bug in UE4. I am able to move the camera around with the motion sensors but the initial camera rotation is added to the movement.
I have just tested what you provided on the Nvidia Shield tablet, , Samsung Galaxy S4 as well as the Samsung Galaxy Note. I launched it on and I also packaged it and ran it from the .bat file. Both times the camera did not spin/rotate around constantly.
The Android versions ranged from 4.4.2 - 5.0.1 without any errors.
thanks for the extensive testing, I don’t know what your are thanking me for Could you give me a hint how to debug this one? Do I need to drill down into C++ and log out the sensor data or could this be done via blueprint and on-screen text? I’ll try to get another phone to test some more.
Maybe you could wait to close this report until i confirmed the bug to be on the hardware side for future readers?
You can test your mobile devices by going to: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools and looking for ‘Monitor.bat’. With this program, you’ll be able to monitor and obtain information about your device that may be causing the issue you’re experiencing.
I have not heard from you in quite a few days and for this reason, I will be marking your thread as resolved at this time. However, if you have any further questions regarding this topic do not hesitate in replying back as we’ll assist you as soon as possible.
I have to say this issue is NOT resolved since I too have the same issue and I am installing it on a Galaxy s5. The screen rotates 360 degrees slowly and non stop.
Please post a new question to AnswerHub with as much detailed information as possible and we will be more than happy to assist you further. Please include any possible.
Will do , I just ran it on a Galaxy Note 3 last night as well as my Galaxy S5. Same issue. I am not sure what to include since no errors occur and the project builds fine. Just the screen very slowly continues to rotate once loaded to the device. If you preview it in the editor it does not rotate.
I’m having a similar issue.
What do you have under Project Settings → Inputs ?
I found that if I use tilt for LookUpRate and rotation rate for TurnRate then I can control things left and right, but I don’t know how to get up and down working properly.
Do you have a simple project that you’ve created that reacts the same way as your original project does on your 2 mobile devices? If so, could you please upload it and provide the link to me? If not, could you please upload your original project and provide the link to me through the forums in a private message?
Also, did you ever obtain your from ‘Monitor.bat’?
The steps Madsim provided does reproduce the issue, it seems you didn’t test it for long enough.
Subsequently, you closing the case disparages further answers
The answer to this however is that the SimpleHMD is using the ‘RotationRate’ variable. This is derived from the gyroscope. Whilst the gyroscope does have very accurate readings, it will tend to drift over time and movement.
True orientation tracking, requires something very complex called sensor fusion and optionally a Kalma filter. This requires not only reading from the gyroscope but also from the accelerometer and compass but then mushing them all together.
So simply put, the SimpleHMD plugin just isn’t up to the task yet.