Simple move to not moving in new level

Hey can anyone help me with an issue with ai using simple move to? I made my basic pawn class, ai controller, behavior tree, and black board and made a really basic ai. It worked great on my graybox testing level but when i try and put it in a new level it doesnt seem to work… I have everything set up including the nav mesh set up in the new level and while the ai does everything else… it wont move. I even resorted to copying everything from that other level over to this one and yet it still doesnt work. From debugging I know its getting to my task for moving the ai… and yet it refuses to move. I also dont seem to be getting any errors during run time… The only real difference I am seeing is that the new level is using a sky box and some basic lighting effects… Im sure im missing something stupid but going on the forums has been useless since every forum I have looked into the person asking the question just forgot the nav mesh. Any chance can anyone offer some advice?

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Thanks for the reply but I do have that set up. Like In said it works just fine in a completely different level. If I had missed that then it wouldnt work in any level. I can also use print statements to show that the location vector is in fact set. So I must be missing something specific to the level its not working on right? Oddly enough I got it working in a completely different level without having to do anything fancy… so I think if I just delete the level and remake it, then it could work… but in that case it doesnt solve what I messed up…

can also use print statements to show that the location vector is in fact set.

When dealing with BT and BB, it’s better to check the values directly in the BB:

Have you tried using MoveTo node instead of that custom task?

I actually havnt tried that… lol been a programmer for 17 years and didnt even consider doing that… But I still wanna use my custom task if possible and figure out whats going wrong so I can better understand how this all works. For now I did a work around where i made a new level, copied everything over to that level and it seemed to all work just fine… Which makes no sense, but at least now its working. Still would like to know what I did wrong so I can avoid the issue in the future though…