"Simple Move To" doesn't work for the second player

I’m making a local coop game. At some point, both player characters should meet up at a point without being controlled by the players. “Simple Move To” (Actor/Location) doesn’t work for the second player character while they work for the first player character.

Can it be a bug?

i have a similar issue with ai i have, when i make 2 of them only 1 will interact with my character, also using “move to” to chase them - let me know if someone figures it out

Works fine

Can you guys show your code?

spawning ai

telling ai when it can move

ai moving

Sorry for the spaghetti code, i was doing it a different way but i just tried your method and still only 1 al will move, i think it causes me a different problem too in that if im looking a 1 they will all freeze - my code is creating ai that stop moving when i look at them but chase me otherwise

for my purposes (affecting only the ai or ai’s im looking at) this is how i was trying to do it:

i notice that at times both ai will turn to look at my character but only one will move, usually the first one moves until i see the second one then only it moves (obviously looking away and back again to allow the code to move them)

AI Move to doesn’t need both Destination and Target Actor, It can work with any of them.

Make sure:
AI inside nav mesh bounds;
AI is possessed;
The movement isn’t disabled.

You can press [ ’ ] to debug AI.

Here’s player 0’s BP:

And here’s player 1’s BP:

Any of these nodes, even in player 1’s nodes make player 0 move to the target location.

None of them make player 1 move. Why is it like that?

You calling Move to only for Player 0 controller.

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Ah, of course. How didn’t I see that. Thanks a lot!