Developing a VR (mobile) game for the Quest 2, using Android Vulkan shaders.
All dynamic objects in the scene (grabbable items) suffer from bad dynamic lighting, appearing either too bright or too dark depending on their position in the world and even items comprised of multiple meshes show distinct lighting differences. Moving them around drastically affects their brightness (e.g. moving them near a wall results in them becoming much brighter or darker than they are in the center of the room).
Skylight, directional light and all other environmental lights are set to static. The dynamic objects are lit by the volumetric lightmap. I’ve tried tweaking the volumetric lightmap density and cell size in the world settings and via a density volume, but it has little effect.
The thing is, the entire playable area is just a small indoor space. Instead of generating object brightness dynamically can’t I just somehow force Unreal to always use a single value for all dynamic objects’ brightness? I don’t need it to be dynamically determined based on position in the room anyway.