heres the blueprint code
now im using the same code set up for some other ai an it works fine no issues, only difference right now is that i spawn the other ai. right now im just trying to test this section out on my bigger models which need to do different things so i cant use the same blue print. Now i have tried spawning them in the world and also just placing them in the world with no luck. i have tried this on a tick and on a retriggerable delay with no luck the destination always reads failed and will run false since its saying it never reaches its destination. now my model is way bigger then the capsule it self but i dont think that would be an issue here . im tried setting my acceptance radius from -1 to 100 to 10 to 1. an get same results. i have done a distance check on this and it reads that im way off from the actual destination when it stops. so lets say i stick it at 100 my stopping destination stops at 135… i have tried this with actual way points and as seen below just a random point on the nav mesh and get same results. i have even resized my models to be able to fit with in the capsule and get same result so im at a loss. im not sure why it works in one blue print and not the this one…