I wasn’t able to reproduce any crash using Standalone Game or Mobile Preview in 10.10.1. Does this happen in a new project as well, or only in your current project? Please and attach crash log for project.
In editor log ( magic line, right before dump), it looked like it was being caused on initializer for my Character class. I’ve since changed initializer and don’t get crashes anymore. only things I changed had to do with playing around with default settings on capsule and mesh components, such as simulate physics. I can’t imagine a typo would’ve gotten through compile process, but I’ve seen weirder things.
Thanks for letting us know that changing initializer fixed your issue. If you continue to experience crashes in Standalone game or Mobile preview please hit “Submit” button on Crash Report pop up window and let us know by updating this thread.
My train of thought was that I could default rotation of meshes generically on all of my Character subclasses (Player, NPCs) - as all of their meshes were centered in capsule, and their rotation was off by 90 degrees. I wanted to do this so I didn’t have to change blueprint subclasses if it could be done generically on backend.
I had set Mesh component to a negative Z on location, and slightly different rotation on Character initializer.
I tried duplicating what I did before, and while it’s a separate issue that my values aren’t sticking when I blueprint off my Character class - it’s not giving me desired error when I Standalone play or Mobile Play.
In retrospect, I probably should’ve made a copy of my project that was causing issues and worked on a different version since I wasn’t sure where error was happening. I wasn’t aware of particular crash log that tipped me off to it being initializer, or I would’ve been able to identify it easily.