Side Scroller Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, QTE System & much more!

Side Scroller Shooter is now 50% off on Unreal Marketplace!

Side Scroller Shooter Kit store site: Side Scroller Shooter Kit in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

Third Person Shooter Kit store site: Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1 in Blueprints - UE Marketplace


Side Scroller Shooter Kit is compatible with UE 4.22. You can easily migrate from 4.20 and up.

Hi. I’ve got the kit and I love it.
I wounder How can I make the aim circle follows the mouse and when close to target it locks on to make it easier for player to kill enemies.
Is there a way to make the character jumps off a wall to another. These ideas will make this template more fun. Look at this game:

The movement and easy controls will help a lot.
Things to help me with some mechanics:
1- free mouse target aim so it replaces the pointer and floats anywhere.
2- jump off walls + do flips when jumping
3- bullet time style kills or a button to slow down time.
4- auto activate elevators , open doors ect…
5- shoot while jumping, running, walking ect…
6- player can hock to zip line and shoot

Thanks for the efforts.

**Side Scroller Shooter is now 50% off with Epic Flash Sale! :slight_smile:

Side Scroller Shooter Kit in Blueprints - UE Marketplace**

I think it is possible. I think you would have to check is enemy is within distance from player and somehow force crosshair location.

Not at the moment. It would require specific animations for that.

4 - I think it should be easy to do, like just on trigger overlap start elevator movement
5 - it is already in kit

Rest of the ideas I will keep for the future updates. It won’t be soon since I’m focusing on third person shooter a lot and have a full time job.
Thank you for support! :slight_smile:

Can you do it for me and post the change as an image in blueprint. Because I’m new to blueprints. At least I want the crosshair move freely as pointer with the mouse.

I also need the player to climb any edge with any speed and any direction. Just when in contact with the volume.

I can do it next week. Tommorow I’m going for holidays and I won’t acces to PC.

But does climb blueprint (BP_Ledge_Climber) already does that?

Have a nice holiday.
What I mean is that the player can climb any edge without the need for (BP_Ledge_Climber) to be placed
plus sometimes the player fails to climb even when in contact with the volume which I have expanded by 2 and tried to change speed threshold.
Regarding the jump off walls a simple bounce will do the trick without the need for animation associated.
Thanks again for the amazing kit.

What is the best practice to add my custom turret.
Because some of the meshes are added to the blue print of the turret and couldn’t be replaced with a mesh.
Can you show the easiest method.

Meshes in turret are destructable meshes class. Create destructable mesh from your mesh and you can replace them -

When scaling bullet in shooting setting it does not damage player when he is not moving.
example scale 0.5 and above.

You scaling bullet **size **in shooting setting? I don’t recall there is property for that. Anyway, if you want to change scale of a bullet, look into “SpawnBullet” function in AI character class, and set desired scale on actor spawn node.

This is the part that I asked about scaling the bullet in the turret blueprint

Second I want to make turrets hear the player when he is 5 feet close for example.
Plus could you show me how to make the aim cross hair floats with the mouse pointer freely on the screen
just like this game
Thanks again

Scaling thing problem - open BP_EnemyBullet and scale up damage are blueprint or remove scaling node - Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Turrrets hearing - in a pinch, you need to add a AI controller to it, then to AI controller add perception component and add reaction on hearing. You can check how it is done for AI in BP_Human_AI_CON

Crosshair aim - actually I’ve spend some time on that this weekend, I made a proof of concept, it will be added in a patch. Here’s basic added logic for it -

Scaling up the damage buleprint to 5 solved my problem.
Crosshair aim patch (link is broken) I suggest that aim should be simple so the player can have easy fast action
1- The Crosshair follows the mouse pointer on screen freely.
2- When the Crosshair goes opposite the direction the player walk the character changes direction also.
3- When the Crosshair passes by an enemy or hit area it locks on for a second or more if the player shoots it stays locked if not it releases the target.
4- There should be editable variables for the developer so he can control the options like: -Lock on Target (check box) -Lock on Time (number in seconds) - Mouse Axis Invert aiming
5- The same should be done to the depth aim when clicking right mouse button.
That should enhance the quality of the kit. Another BIG THANKS.

1 I reuploaded a screen shot from last post, this should do the work -
2 It’s already done in kit
3 and 4 - so basicaly it’s new targeting system. Not that trivial to do :wink:
5 It’s even harder to do :wink:

I will see what I can do. Thank you for feedback! :slight_smile:

Nice…How can I link the levels on the main menu select level and link next level in current map!!!

Community member made tutorial for adding new level -!ArQ2o4Lr9uLggVGgvGiHjq_6wDWB

I made a Discord channel for shooter kit support:

Hello, @ !
First, thank you for creating this awesome content!
Second, I plan to buy the pack but I have some simple questions:

1-) Do you plan to add swimming animations to the pack?
2-) (On the youtube video) When the character “uses” the ladder, the weapon he is carrying just vanish and come back after he jumps out of the ladder. Have you corrected it or is it still in that way right now (August/2019)?
3-) Is the character “always” using a weapon or we can press a button and it holsters/activates “melee” mode(without weapons - just kicks, punches, etc)?
4-) Does the pack contains footsteps based on material the actor is stepping? (wood, metal, etc)
5-) Is there a way to buy the pack directly from you with 50% disccount as you do in “special sales” times?

Thank you!

​​​​​​​Thank you!

1 No, there was never demand for that, but I’ve seen some stuff on marketplace already, with sminning water system.
2 Yes, weapon is disappearing with dissolve effect. It needed to be stow because character needs to have hands on ladder.
There is no explicit weapons hiding, mainly because of lack of animations, but I made a tutorial for third person version regarding
unarmed state which also should work for side scroller. Currently I work on reworking a lot of stuff in third person
version, including stowing weapons, so maybe in future I will add it to side scroller, mainly because I will have animations already.
3 I guess same answer as above. You can hide weapon which will unlock more melee moves.
4 No
5 No, I already asked Epic support about this and there is no technical possibility for that now. “Special sales” are organized by Epic which are basically timed limited sales.