I’m aware of all the awesome work being done with stereo rendering, but could we get an option to render side-by-side stereo? At the moment i’m using UMG and rendering to texture- i expect this isn’t very awesome in regards to performance.
I’m aware of all the awesome work being done with stereo rendering, but could we get an option to render side-by-side stereo? At the moment i’m using UMG and rendering to texture- i expect this isn’t very awesome in regards to performance.
Yes this would be great for things that are still a bit more bleeding edge or unsupported, like Cardboard, or some Homebrew VR Setup…
Hello Anthony,
Have you tried using the command “hmd mirror mode 2”? You can do this my using the VR preview and calling a console command. Could you let me know if this is what you are looking for? If it is not, could you provide a little more detail into what it is that you are looking for exactly?
Hi Anthony -
Side-by-side stereo rendering is supported by having your device implement the IStereoRendering interface. There’s a very simple example in UnrealEngine.cpp, FFakeStereoRenderingDevice, which shows how to do it for your device.
You can use that example out of the box for testing by launching with the commandline -emulatestereo , which pops things into stereo mode using that fake stereo rendering device. Of course, you’ll want to set the projection matrices and FOV to be something appropriate for your device, but that should give you an idea of how to set it up.
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yes, pls do the community support is always useful
i’m looking to do side-by-side rendering for a new product we’re developing, its not a VR headset (kind of) i’ve tried “hmd mirror mode 2”, but it has no effect or “stereo on”; would there be any other options to get side-by-side?