Hi there,
i wonder if it’s possible to Show all Player names and Avatars from steam in a multiplayer Lobby menu. I was able to Show my own Player Infos (by using the Plugin Advanced Session).
Now i want to Show the Name and Avatar from the Clients. Each Client and the Server should Show the Player Infos. The Problem is, it doesn’t matter what i do. I can only Show my own, but not the Clients.
For better understanding. I used the Tutorial Blueprint Multiplayer from wes bun. In this tutorial he made a view functions that are called from the GameMode->PlayerController->LobbyWidget. If i use the tutorial and the same Settings, i can update the Player Infos.
But if i want to catch the steam Infos for each Player (in the owning Controller) and want to pass this through the Server and then update the Player Infos in the Lobby, it don’t work.
Has someone an idea how i could achieve this? If you Play Gears of war 4, you can see all Players and there Infos in the right Corner. This is what i want to get.
I think there is a way without to send all the datas over Network. I could catch all my steam friends. Then i have to compare if this friend i in the same session like me. BUT: In the advanced session there is no function or value for this. There are some bools like: IsInSameGame, IsInThisGame…
But if try to use this to compare, the bools are everytime true. How can i find out if this friend is in the same session?