Show UE Logo when distribute?

I´ve got some questions about using Unreal Engine 4 for commercial use.

  1. If I create a movie (or video by rendering) and use it for my company (for our website), do I have to show the UE4 Logo in the movie? I didn´t found any answers to this…
  2. Can I use a selfcreated game for my company, without earning money with it? Can we use it internally (for free). Maybe as a interactive Showreel? I know, we don´t earn money with it. Also same question here: Do we have to show the UE4 Logo?

Thank you all :wink:

  1. Under the EULA, you’re not given a trademark license. If you want to use the logo, you need to obtain a trademark license here. It’s optional though.
  2. Same answer on the logo. And if your game doesn’t have any revenue, no royalties are owed.

Thank you, that´s great to hear :smiley:

But I wonder why they don´t want to you to show the logo ?!

We’d be happy for you to show the logo but we just need you to take a trademark license