Show player position on UI floorplan

I’m trying to create an ArchVis feature where you have a floorplan in the UI and an icon of the player. As the pawn moves around, the icon will move around the UI as well.

I’m just really struggling to wrap my head around a way to communicate or calculate world position of the pawn to the relative position of an icon image on top of my floorplan image.

I thought about render targets and placing a floorplan on top of the building but it seems like a bad way to go about it, and adjusting a camera above orthographically is difficult with the near plane and no viewport preview like you get with a normal camera.

If anyone knows a simple way to translate the world position of my floorplan to a UI version of the floorplan that would really help, e.g. how would I even begin to try and calculate the relative scales?

this is a close approximation of what I’m after:

Any follow up questions please let me know!

Find any minimap tutorial - because that’s essentially it. You know the dimensions of the 3d floor, you know the size of the widget. In a nutshell:


The 3d floor is 10mx7m which can be translated into a widgets 1024x512px. Ideally the aspect ratio would make sense because those numbers do not. You could also instead work with the unclamped version of the node and set up a ratio. Lets say, each 13cm is 1px.

When it comes to relativity - in a scenario where the parts of the UI are nested inside containers - widgets output their geometry data which can be converted from absolute to local.
