Show Kill Particle in Volume

Can you please tell me how to display on the screen Kill Particle in Volume in the game for debugging?


been searching far and wide…seems like this isnt a thing.
but it most definatly should be…

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btw the method im using now to “visualize” is to change the “volume origin” of the kill particles in volume to “convert position to vector” and then i place the same shape in the editor, and the position match up - (if its a box, the size will match, if its a sphere its set to radias, which is “double” so a 100 sphere radias is going to be 2 in terms of size)

this is no means perfect, but it allows some visulazation, im sure someone smart could connect the two, so it pulls the vectors from the static mesh…

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It’s kinda strange not to have this feature, it was available for the Cascade Kill Modules, it would be a shame not to have it in Niagara.


The way I work around this.

Create an Debug Emitter, add a Shape Location module, populate it with a user variable for the size. (You can also use an user variable for the position, for the Offset Mode if you need the location to be specific- make sure it’s in world or local based on what you need!)

Then you can share these user variables on your user kill volume. Enable the debug emitter when you need to visualise it, but as you set value’s on your kill volume you’re debug visualiser will have the same. (You can also easily copy paste it into other niagara systems once you made it, when you need it.)

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