Show flat image on sphere

Hi I’m attempting to get a image to show on a sphere like this:


Now I can get it to work so that it flat against the screen (rather than curving with the sphere) by using the ScreenALigedUVs node. However I need the image to stay with the sphere idling anchored to the sphere size.

The problem I have at the moment is when I move the camera left or right the image moves with the screen. Also as I move away I would like it to stay scaled to the sphere. This is the script I have at the moment.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks in advance.

hey hey, you are going to need this monster:

its a bit complex but I can assure you that it works fine once you set it up properly.

I had to do the exact same thing a while back, and Jan’s setup worked like a charm and then some :slight_smile: