Show and Hide VR widget with buttons only - no raycasting

Hi, please excuse the extreme simplicity of this question. I’m very much an artist not a developer.
I’m building an educational scene where people with access needs (wheelchair users, elderly or otherwise disabled) can visit museums.
I’m building a simplified version of the Louvre in Paris and need to have the information boards in front of the statues open on a button press, then close again on another button press.
I’m making this for a Quest 2, but it should work on any headset, I just want it to be fine on the most affordable hardware.
I’ve included screenshots below of where I’ve gotten to, but in essence:
1)Be near an Information sign (static mesh)
2)Press X
3)Information box appears
4)Press Y to close Info box
Static mesh in blueprint

Event graph for blueprint

My widget (placeholder - will have relevant information.

My new inputs

The Blueprint / mesh in the scene with the bounding box I want the triggerable widget to be in shown.

I apologise for the extreme simplicity of this question, I suspect I’m just a bit stupid.
Currently everything compiles fine and runs, but nothing happens when X or Y are pressed. all other inputs for teleporting and snap turning work fine.
I want this to work without raycasting pointer lines, again for ease of access reasons. I might want to add that in later for multi language support, but for now, just getting a widget to open and close is where I’m at!

I’m building this off the VR template and using 4.27.2. I dont know if I want the widget to be in world space or in screen space (locked to the HMD ), happy to take advice on that

Attaching a widget to the viewport doesn’t work properly in VR. It doesn’t take stereo rendering into account, it just places different parts of the widget across each eye (if it even works). The common way of using widgets in VR is with a world space Widget Component. See the Menu blueprint in the template for an example.

I think having the widget maintain a set position in the world after it has been opened is the best option. Most VR headsets only have a small sweet spot where the text is sharp, and some headsets or users may have a limited field of view. Having it not stick to the head lets the user move their head to read different parts of the text more easily.

Thank you, that’s very useful to know, and one thing ticked off the list for me to have to worry about.