Hi, please excuse the extreme simplicity of this question. I’m very much an artist not a developer.
I’m building an educational scene where people with access needs (wheelchair users, elderly or otherwise disabled) can visit museums.
I’m building a simplified version of the Louvre in Paris and need to have the information boards in front of the statues open on a button press, then close again on another button press.
I’m making this for a Quest 2, but it should work on any headset, I just want it to be fine on the most affordable hardware.
I’ve included screenshots below of where I’ve gotten to, but in essence:
1)Be near an Information sign (static mesh)
2)Press X
3)Information box appears
4)Press Y to close Info box
Static mesh in blueprint
Event graph for blueprint
My widget (placeholder - will have relevant information.
My new inputs
The Blueprint / mesh in the scene with the bounding box I want the triggerable widget to be in shown.
I apologise for the extreme simplicity of this question, I suspect I’m just a bit stupid.
Currently everything compiles fine and runs, but nothing happens when X or Y are pressed. all other inputs for teleporting and snap turning work fine.
I want this to work without raycasting pointer lines, again for ease of access reasons. I might want to add that in later for multi language support, but for now, just getting a widget to open and close is where I’m at!
I’m building this off the VR template and using 4.27.2. I dont know if I want the widget to be in world space or in screen space (locked to the HMD ), happy to take advice on that