I believe the best bet is to go to school to learn but hey the sky is the limit just try very hard
Hey NourAhmed,
There are all kinds of professions involved in game development, not just programmers.
In my opinion it is better to learn C++ than blueprints. Blueprints are very powerful, BUT they can only work with UE4. C++ can be used in countless more environments.
If you are familiar with C++ it’ll be easier for you to understand what’s possible in blueprints.
Before deciding on C++, though, you should ask yourself where your interests are.
What do you think is the most fun or interesting to you? If there are programmer jobs, but you hate programming, you won’t like your job.
Modelers, texture artists, environment artists, effects artists, programmers, scripters, sound designers, producers, promoters, etc. People with those talents are all useful, necessary even, in over “90%” of game development.
Which talent(s) do you want to possess is the important question.
There are lots of tutorials on youtube or elsewhere for skills/techniques used in game dev.
Good timing, and skills that meet the requirements of the job will get you a job.
(If a company/employer is looking for programmers, then they won’t hire artists who can’t program. If they are looking for artists, they won’t hire programmers who have no experience in fields of art.)
If I were you, I think you should study both; C++ and art.
should i learn C++ to can get a work or i can with just blueprint?
I am pretty sure that you won’t be able to find any Job in software development without knowing a programming language. Even if that were so, given the fact that the gaming industry these days is run by money grubbers from Wall Street, you can have a job today and not tomorrow, and then what? Looking for another company that searches for an “Unreal Blueprint Engineer”?
Here is my advise if you really want to take that career path: Learn COBOL!
75% of the software that runs the world runs on IBM mainframes and was written in COBOL in the 70s and 80s. COBOL engineers are in their late 50s now and are about to retire. The big companies are desperately looking for chaps who can maintain that legacy software.
Forget making games. It’s a churn and burn industry.
I completely Partially agree Wallenstein. Look at what’s I’m almost sure sony’s going to do at e3 and Microsoft is doing. Three consoles in 3 years??? Wow that a first time I know has happened in my gaming history from one company.
I find it completely disrespectful to gamers, On top of that the ps4 cpu compared to to the ps3 is garbage. They just focused on graphics. I see P.C taking over honestly. The beauty of job you may easily work for your-self in a prime spot like gaming industry. I work due to a passion, remember these people do it for cash nothing else quotas and making sure the ceo relaxes in his yacht.
thanks for the answer , but what about working as 3D artist , i like it too but i want ur opinion , can it be a good job
(sorry for my English , it isn’t my first language )