ShooterGame / StrategyGame can't generate Visual Studio projects (so they can't run after)

Greetings everyone and thank you for this awesome Engine. My friend got UE4 and we are both discovering it. His english is not good enough, that is why I am speaking of his behalf. Well, it seems we are encountering the same problem as here: ShooterGame / StrategyGame won't open in an editor built from source - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums we can not open ShooterGame and StrategyGame and we got the same message: ‘ShooterGameLoadingScreen’ could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled."

After running the RegisterShellCommands.bat as an admin, we got the “Generate Visual Studio Files.” by right clicking on ShooterGame.uproject and StrategyGame.uproject and according to this: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums , we should get the sln file of the game and then start the steps that you mentionned.

Unfortunately, the VS project wasn’t created "Just above your Strategy Game project, you should see a new file for Visual Studio. Open it up to take a peek at all of the C++ code behind your game! " like how the tutorial indicates. So If we didn’t get the sln file, then we can not continue the following steps to make the project run. Can you please help us? Thanks.

Hi DarkInfiktrator,

Apologies for the delay. Can you confirm that you have Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Desktop installed?


Hey DarkInfiktrator,

We haven’t heard from you concerning this issue in a few days. If you are still getting this issue, please reply and let us know if you have Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Desktop installed. In the meantime, we’re going to mark this thread as resolved.

