Shining models in dark

Hello i have a problem with textures , i want to make dark with spotlight , but i have a lot of troubles with some of models that i downloaded from internet.

Hey @xkoguszek! Welcome to the Forums!

Are the assets glossy or glowing? In either case this is likely an issue with the materials. Would you mind sharing a screenshot of what you are seeing and your material blueprints?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

Hey @xkoguszek

Checking in! Did you still need help with your assets shining?

yes still, i dont look at this site , sorry
here is the video

try rebuilding lightning this would solve the problem

how can i do it mate?

Click on the Drop down menu

Then, Click on Build Lightning Only

also are you having some kind of lower graphic in the viewport if yes click on the “~” button below escape key and above tab key you will see a CMD in the lower part of the screen type "r.texturestreaming pool (the amount of VRAM on your GPU in MBs)

Hey @xkoguszek!

Checking in! Did the solutions provided above by @Crazysoham11 work for you? Are you still experiencing this error?

nope dont works for me , blood still bugged but when i compile the game then i cant see it haha

Where you have got those decals from?
Try reimporting them