Shadows still visible when Cast Shadow box unchecked

Hi there,
I’m trying to have shadows only appear up close to the camera and then disappear as the distance increases.
I’m using the Landscape Grass Type on my landscape and I have the ‘Cast Shadow’ box unchecked on LOD1 in the static mesh window.

I should also note I’m using Virtual Shadow maps for the project.

When the grass switches to LOD1, the shadows appear to switch to what looks like distance field shadows ( blurrier and less accurate than the virtual shadow maps )

I noticed this problem doesn’t occur with the same mesh used with the Foliage painting tool. Landscape Grass Type on the left, painted Foliage Tool on the right

Has anyone else run into this issue and/or know how to solve this?

it’s virtual screen space shadows, they are on by default and they look like garbage on foliage. you can disable them by r.Shadow.Virtual.ContactShadowLength 0. Unfortunately i switched from vsm to regular csm because of foliage performance =(

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Thank you so so much.
I probably went through my directional light 5 times trying to figure out where the shadows were coming from. Even have Contact Shadow Length set to 0. Is there even an exposed parameter for these virtual contact shadows somewhere or can they only be turned off through this command?

Sorry you had to switch back to csm :confused: the virtual ones are definitely quite heavy

Duuude I put this into the command line and now i cannot open the project file it tells me : “A feature level 5 video card is required to run the editor. AvailableFeatureLevel = ES#_1, shaderPlatform = PCD3d_ES31” Super F any idea how to get the file to open back up? I have a 4090 with razen 7. Other projects open…

Was able to solve by replacing the “Project folder/Config/DefaultEngine.ini” with a different projects defualtEngine.ini file. I was freakin out mann