Hello! I’m applying some realistic textures on my character and have some error. I’ve tested between them to know what’s happening and discover that normal map and ambient occlusion’s causing this:
Yea this questions is all over the place, you will need to provide alot more info if you want some help. I.e what program are you exporting from, with what settings, what are your lightmap settings in UE4. With what settings did you import with??
Basically you are going to find (hopefully foot not in mouth) is that you need to adjust your lightmap settings… I have found decent results by playing with the light map resolution and adjusting the lighting settings of your mesh. There are also bugs that are related to this exact problem…
GL to you.
I did found some problems which are the same as those but with mesh. Its the same with character mesh? Where can I find "Cast to… shadow… (I don’t rembember the full name) " that have on details mesh to disabled? With character its different, I guess. I dunno. =/ … I did export the mesh from maya (with root motion), textures came with the character, lightmap settings - default (I really want to do with my own global illumination).
I would assume it would be the same with the character mesh, and I think maybe i have had the same issue on my character mesh… (been working on environments lately,starting to forget some)… Yeah that option I believe is in the details panel of the mesh. As characters have a hierarchy of properties, i.e. skeleton, animations, mesh… make sure your on the mesh and clicks its properties to get to those options.
I try to change some configurations to see if it works, but doesn’t. I think’s the uv channel that is the problem. Its 0, not 1. Last chance, last try, haha… =/