Shadows not moving

Hello Everyone,

I am new to Unreal, taking a course but I am getting an error that I can’t seem to find the answer to - I have animated trees on my scene, and they move in the wind but the shadows don’t.
I have my Light Source as Stationary, my Skylight as Moveable, and my objects (the trees) as stationary, as that’s what the course said.
When I build the light, the shadows look good and all but they do not move.
I am pretty new to this and maybe it’s something really simple so I am sorry if it is, but I don’t know what to do lol.


Had the same problem, workaround is to execute the command “r.Shadow.Virtual.Cache 0”. Sadly UE does not remember this so you have to execute this everytime before you render a scene. Probably only works when creating a movie.

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Just select the mesh in question in the world and in the details panel, go to the option: ( Ray Tracing > Advanced ) and enable the option: Evaluate World Position Offset in Ray Tracing to “TRUE”

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Wild that this isn’t fixed yet for media plates.

Console command works fine.