Shadows for mobile games

Hi all! First of al sorry about my English.

I have a problem with the lighting in the realistic mobile project I am working for (UE 4.19.2). I’m trying to illuminate an interior, but the only good quality shadows I get are comming from the Directional light. Point lights or spotlights make very subtle shadows, they are almost invisible. I tried changing the lights to static or stacionary, checking the render settings in editors preferences… I also can get shadows with spotlights, but for that I have to extremly increase the intensity, so the object in wich I want to cast the shadows, becomes burned (almost white because of the light intensity). So how can I get good quality shadows in places that directional light doesn’t reach?

Can someone help me?

Thank you!

Static lights and shadows work on mobile just as they do on PC. You probably have bad settings in intensity/range. Show some simplified example and screenshot of spot/point light settings.

As you can see there’s too much difference between the 2 photos.

Make skylight to static. Shadows look identic for that spotlight. Only difference is indirect lighting. I guess that is caused by differences in skylight and missing SSAO on mobile.

Thank you! My scene lighting has improve so much!

Yeah, mobile does not support stationary skylights. Learned the hard way :frowning: