Shadows are really bad

My shadows end up like this, i realised that the closer I am towards the building, the better the shadows. I tried every single method on this website to get higher far shadow quality, and tutorials on how to make shadows far away render, and I got the mesh form city sample buildings

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It’s a know bug (by us, not sure if by Epic too). You can report it too.

RT Shadows are quite broken in UE5:

I’m not sure if lumen is counted as rt shadows, but I’m literally using ue5.2, and they haven’t fixed the issue despite the fact that I am using ue5.2, so I hope Epic fixes it. But the problem is draw distance, it looks nice near the mesh, but becomes defragmented after moving away from the mesh as shown in the photos of the very first comment

Shadows aren’t under the lumen umbrella, shadows are either VSM, cascade, raytraced, or distance field shadows. It would help to know what type of shadows you’re having issues with and if the other types are having issues as well.

what do you mean by lumen umbrella?
But I am using VSM, and for that to work, distance field shadows must be on, so must cascaded. But under global illumination in my post process, I set it to lumen

They mean that Lumen has nothing to do with casting of shadows whatsoever. Shadow casting is completely independent from global illumination.

Virtual Shadow Maps and Cascading Shadow Maps are two mutually exclusive systems.

So, how do I fix the above problem?

I don’t have an answer for you because we can’t even begin to troubleshoot if you can’t tell us what type of shadows you’re actually using.

In case you are in fact using VSMs, here is the documentation which has lots of information you can look into for debugging.

If you’re using CSMs, it is normal for their quality to degrade at a distance, all you can do is bias the distances (which will make nearby stuff look worse so far stuff can be better) or change their resolution (which effects the quality at all distances).

Distance field shadows are often used in addition to either of these methods, especially at far ranges.

I am using vsm with distance field shadows, but as you can see from the above pictures, my shadows ar really bad from afar. I used all the methods for bad shadows from afar, maxed out all the values, but still the same result. I used this post Shadows disappear with increased camera distance to help out with my problem, but to no avail. Apparently, in the latest version of unreal engine 5.2, it doesn’t work as seen here Shadows disappear on the distance so is there any work around or should I report it as a bug