Shadows are not showing up correctly

In the image bellow you can see that my shadows are very wrong.after baking.
For diffuse i have channel 0.
I got light maps as best as i could in 3dsMax set on channel 1 with 128 resolution then imported FBX in Unreal with the proper settings. You can see them below.
I tried to follow this principles UDK: Lightmap UV Layout Techniques & How to Create Second UV Channel in Maya Part 2/4 [Tutorial #19] - YouTube for correct UV light mapping.

Light is standard directional light set to station. If i change it to movable the shadows are a little better after baking. Should i let it movable ?

Can anyone tell me the problem and any solutions?

Hey VladV -

Are the meshes sitting on top of a Brush surface, if so change the lightmap resolution from the default of 32 down to like 4, this should sharpen the shadows. Also make sure the skylight you have in the scene is not casting shadows.

Thank You -

Eric Ketchum


Yes, they are on a Brush surface. I changed as you said the brush lightmap resolution to 4 and the shadow disappeared completely.
If i change the surface to a BSP box the shadows are good and sharp the only problem is that they are rounded at corners. (this is not really useful because i need my entire scene from 3dsMax)

I turned on and off the skylight shadows and I don’t notice any effect on the shadows edges.

Hey VladV -

Ok you have confused me a little what do you mean by changing the surface to a BSP box? The Box Brush should not have rounded corners at all. Of course, a solution would be to actual model a plane in Max and bring that in.

Clarify what you mean, this is an interesting problem and I want to help you solve it -

Eric Ketchum

On the left site the shadows are on a SM with 32 lightmap resolution and also they are distorted. On the right side the shadows are on a BSP box and look fine exept the round corners.

There is no Skyllight just the default BP_Sky_Shere

Thank you for you time ;).

Ok. In this print screen i got a little more specific. Everything is SM and nothing is scaled (in the image before the SM was scaled).
Shadows have only rounded corners. If i look closely i can aslo see that the straight line is a little distorted.

Stationary directional light used as atmosphere

Lightmaps resolution 128
Skylight has shadows disabled
Default BP_Sky_Shere

Hey ValdV -

Rounded Corners on Shadows got it. So I did some experimenting here and can show you this test from the Third Person Template with a SM cube ontop of the BSP floor, the first image has that surface Light Map resolution at 32 then the second the Light Map resolution is at 4.

As you can see even with the 4 res the shadow has a slightly rounded element to it and this has more to do with the distance from the light source. For example here is the same setup without the BP_SkySphere and using a spotlight instead of the Directional light, you can see that the shadow while obscured because of the reflective material on the floor is much sharper than with the directional light.

So try the experiment using a spotlight to generate your shadows and see if you have the same problem,

Eric Ketchum

I did the same test and the shadows are ok only on BSP … :frowning:

On my last image i got ok shadows using point light. Even at the maximum parameters i don’t think i can use it to replace the directional light/sun…

What should I do?
Use only BSP :)?
Make my way around without using directional light …?
Better lightmaps?

Hey VladV -

The shadows you were showing me originally were not too bad considering you had a default grey material applied. I know you did not like teh rounded corners, but the material that the lighting is being applied to a grey base texture.

You should ultimately use Static Meshes for your ground, light-mapped appropriately possibly with a resolution of 128 or 256. Also keep in mind that unless that grey material is your final material you should wait until after it is applied to really test lighting as the material itself will affect shadows and lighting.

Eric Ketchum

I was thinking about the same thing.
Thank you for all the answers and have a great day :slight_smile:

Hi ValdV -

I am closing this for tracking purposes, but should the issue arise again, please feel free to post.

Thank You -

Eric Ketchum