When adjusting shadow parameters in UE4 editor, I often notice that the shadow preview in the U4Editor viewport does not match with the way shadows look during in-game. This makes adjusting shadows a slow and painful process due to having to continually play the game to see how shadows look when tweaking parameters.
Attached is a comparison of shadow maps in-game (left) and in the UE4 editor viewport (right). Notice the visual difference, especially the aliasing on the right image from the viewport preview.
I’m having difficulty reproducing your issue. Can you reproduce this issue in a blank project with minimal assets? If so could you provide a list of steps that led to this bug?
While testing here is what I did:
Opened a blank project without starter content.
In the default scene I added a basic sphere mesh and moved it up until it rested just above the floor
I deleted the Skysphere and Atmospheric Fog asset in scene
Rotated the Light Source so that the rotation was 0,-90,0
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.