Shadow jumping problem

what do you mean?

Currently in my project I’m using the good sky add-on but its also happens just using simple code like this

otherwise heres the good sky code for moving the sun

however the good sky method doesn’t use the delta seconds

No, good sky uses the code shown above (the one not using delta seconds)

So i have the sun (directional Light) moving around the level at 1 hour for a full revolution but the shadows are constantly jumping I’m not too familiar with shadows and lighting so any help would be appreciated

here’s a video showing my problem

Looking at that I’d say you’ve set the sun up wrong.

How did you do that?

How did you make the sun rotate?

My immediate idea is that you are moving it and it is trying to move itself at the same time, hence the jumping.

If you disconnect your stuff, does the jumping stop?

keeping the sun as moveable but not moving it?, if thats the case then yeah the jumping stops

No, I mean, it the good sky BP already moving the sun?

nope that’s the only code that moves the sun, as soon as i disconnect the set actor rotation node it doesn’t move

Does it happen when you don’t have good sky in the scene?

well i was able to reproduce it without good sky, just so we’re clear this isn’t a normal thing for dynamic shadows from a directional light is it?, because i searched high and low on google to see if anyone else had this problem and i couldn’t find anything, i tried it on other projects not just this one and the same problem occurs.

So I just have default sky and dynamic directional light, and I put this in the level BP:

It seems fine. No this is not normal for dynamic light.

Ah, seen it!

You’re putting delta seconds in there… that’s changing the whole time…

So you have a different BP for when you’re doing it with Good Sky?

Yes, technically, the delta should be in there to compensate for hardware differences. If it’s not crucial, I wouldn’t worry. If it is, I’m not seeing why delta is making jump right now.

well the video in the op was showing goodsky, it still jumps without the delta time