Hello everyone,
I feel stuck on what is seems to be a very simple workflow. I have a material with a simple emissive setup based on distance. Basically, I want the emissive to be activated if the camera is close enough (in this case, 512 units):
I also created a simple Shader to test the funcionality of this example and applied it to a Niagara System to test the distance as I work on the material:
What I currently have on the scene doesn’t make 100% sense to me. Under 512 units, I have a lit sphere and Lumen is also visible in the scene, which is expected. However, if I get away beyond 512 units the emissive is off… but the Lumen is still ON or that is what it looks like to me.
Just in case anyone is wondering, I intentionally deactivate the Niagara System to verify the particle is not causing any Lumen:
The only work around I found are either Unchecking “Affect Dynamic Indirect Lighting” or “Affect Distance Field Lighting”. However this doesn’t feel like a proper solution for me. If I have a emissive value of 0 in the material, Lumen shouldn’t show up, am I right? Setting the Emissive to 0 directly in the material would directly turn off Lumen, but the idea would be doing it based on a distance inside of the Shader with a simple math calculation.
I also tried using the Function “Debug Scalar Values” to check if the emissive is actually beyond 0, but looks like the debug is showing the right numbers (except that 0 doesn’t appear when you are close enough).
So… yeah, anyone have any ideas of what I am doing wrong here? Feels kind of simple but I am stuck. Any help would be appreciated it.